『和と光のWinter Festa』開催のお知らせ (We will hold a “Winter Festa of Japanese Illuminations” )

『和と光のWinter Festa』開催のお知らせ (We will hold a “Winter Festa of Japanese Illuminations” )

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日時 2024年11月15日(金) 17:00 ~ 2025年02月16日(日) 22:00
開催場所 歌舞伎座、銀座松竹スクエア、東劇ビル(Kabukiza,Ginza Shochiku Square, Togeki Building)

2024年11月15日~2025年2月16日までの期間中、歌舞伎座や銀座松竹スクエア、東劇ビルといった東銀座駅周辺の各スポットにて「和と光のWinter Festa」を開催いたします。
General Incorporated Association Higashi Ginza Area Management will hold “Winter Festa of Japanese Illuminations” around Higashi Ginza Station including the areas of “Kabukiza”, “Ginza Shochiku Square” and “Togeki Building”, from November 15, 2024 to February 16, 2025.

「東銀座 Winter Illumination」と題し、かつて築地川で行われていた「灯籠流し」になぞらえた灯籠イルミネーションや歌舞伎でもお馴染みの和傘を用いたイルミネーション等を展開するのに加え、1日限り〈2.14(金)〉の「和のDJイベント」の開催やナイトタイムの飲食店・スポットをまとめた「よあそびマップ」の配布など、国内外の幅広い世代の方に東銀座で過ごすナイトタイムをより楽しんでいただける企画を実施いたします。この冬、ぜひ東銀座にお立ち寄りいただき、煌めくひとときをお過ごしください。

The “Higashi Ginza Winter Illuminations” will include Japanese lantern illuminations reminiscent of those that lit up the Tsukiji River in the past, and Japanese umbrella illuminations resembling the umbrellas used in Kabuki. In addition, a “Japanese-style DJ event” will be held for one night only. A “Yoasobi Map” will also be distributed, which lists restaurants for dinner and nighttime entertainment spots. We are planning to hold a variety of events that will allow people of all generations from around Japan and other countries to enjoy the nighttime in Higashi Ginza even more. We hope you will have a wonderful time in Higashi Ginza this winter.

【東銀座 Winter Illumination】(Higashi Ginza Winter Illuminations)

灯籠イルミネーション [Japanese Lantern Illuminations]


Long ago, the Tsukiji River flowed through Higashi Ginza, and a lantern festival was held there. In a nod to its elegant history, the plants around Kabukiza will be decorated with lanterns. Enjoy the warm light of the lanterns while thinking back to those days.

灯籠イルミネーション[Japanese Lantern Illuminations]

2.《銀座松竹スクエア》(Ginza Shochiku Square)
街路樹イルミネーション [Street Tree Illuminations]


We will provide relaxing space with spherical illuminations, the circle motif of which symbolizes connection, with the hope that prosperity will come to everyone.

街路樹イルミネーション[Street Trees Illuminations]
※画像はイメージです。(※Image picture)

3.《銀座松竹スクエア》(Ginza Shochiku Square)
和傘イルミネーション[Japanese Umbrella Illuminations]


The illuminations at the entrance serves as the motif of traditional Japanese umbrellas, which are also used in Kabuki performances. Please enjoy there as a photo spot.

和傘イルミネーション [Japanese Umbrella Illuminations]
※画像はイメージです。(※Image picture)

4.《銀座松竹スクエア》(Ginza Shochiku Square)
雪吊りイルミネーション [Yukizuri Illuminations]


“Yukizuri” is a technique used in areas with a lot of snow to prevent branches from breaking under the weight of the snow. The pine trees will be illuminated using the Yukizuri to create a Japanese-style modern atmosphere.

雪吊りイルミネーション[Yukizuri Illuminations]

5.《東劇ビル》(Togeki Building)


Japanese-style illuminations will also be displayed at “Togeki Building”, located on the site of “Tokyo Theater”, which was once the epicenter of theater and movie trends! Please enjoy these illuminations along with other venues.

実施場所(Event locations)

【和のDJイベント】(Japanese-style DJ event)
〈日程(Schedule):2.14 FRI 17:00~21:00〉


A DJ event called “Ancoman Night” will be held at Ginza Shochiku Square for one night only! Young shop-masters, mainly from long-established Japanese confectionery shops, call themselves “Ancoman” and become DJs at night! You can also enjoy the Ancoman’s signature Japanese sweets on that day. Food trucks will also be set up outside, selling hot drinks and meals.

アンコマンないと 公式facebook
DJイベントの様子[DJ event]
キッチンカー[Food trucks]

(Yoasobi Map/Nighttime Fun Spot Map)


To help you enjoy Higshi Ginza at night, we have created the “Yoasobi Map” (“Nighttime Fun Spot Map”) which compiles famous restaurants for dinner, night cafes, ramen shops, bars, night spots, etc. During the event period, this booklet will be distributed at several venues, including “Kobikicho Hiroba” on the 2nd basement floor of Kabukiza. Please make use of it for your fun night!

よあそびマップ(Yoasobi Map/Nighttime Fun Spot Map)
よあそびマップ(Yoasobi Map/Nighttime Fun Map)


Please tell us your opinion about the event and Higashi Ginza area!



『和と光のWinter Festa』(Winter Festa of Japanese illuminations)

◆日程(Schedule):2024.11.15 FRI – 2025.2.16 SUN
◆イルミネーション点灯時間(Illumination Lighting Time):17:00 – 22:00
◆場所(Place):歌舞伎座、銀座松竹スクエア、東劇ビル(Kabukiza,Ginza Shochiku Square, Togeki Building)
《東銀座Winter Illumination(Higashi Ginza Winter Illuminations)》
・雪吊イルミネーション(Yukizuri Illuminations)
・灯籠イルミネーション(Japanese Lantern Illuminations)
・街路樹イルミネーション(Street Tree Illuminations)
・和傘イルミネーション(Japanese Umbrella Illuminations)
《和のDJイベント(Japanese-style DJ event)》
《よあそびマップ配布(Yoasobi Map will be distributed at each venue)》

Sponsored by General Incorporated Association Higashi Ginza Area Management

This project is supported by a grant from the Tokyo Metropolitan Government and the Tokyo Convention & Visitors Bureau for the promotion of nighttime tourism.

【本件に関するお問合せ先】(Contact information)
(General Incorporated Association Higashi Ginza Area Management)